Conference - ГИРЕДМЕТ

Dear colleagues and partners!

We invite you to take part in the III International Scientific and Practical Conference «Rare Metals and materials based on them: technologies, properties and applications» (REDMET-2024), which is scheduled for April 2024.

REDMET-2024 is one of the main platforms for consolidating scientific potential in the field of rare metals and discussing a wide range of scientific and technological tasks ranging from the processing of mineral raw materials containing rare, refractory, rare earth and dispersed metals to the development of new materials based on them (compounds and alloys; high-purity substances; semiconductor, optical and luminescent materials; nanomaterials; materials of modern energy). The purpose of the conference is not only to discuss modern scientific and technological challenges in the field of rare metal technologies, but also to determine the prospects for the development of high-tech sectors of industry in Russia and other countries, the development of international cooperation in this area.

More detailed information can be found on the redmet conference website

II International Scientific and Practical Conference «Rare Metals and materials based on them: technologies, properties and applications» dedicated to the memory of Academician N.P. Sazhin

REDMET-2022, November 23 — 25, 2022

From November 23 to November 25, 2022, Giredmet JSC, with the support of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and Rosatom State Corporation, held the II International Scientific and Practical Conference «Rare Metals and Materials based on them: Technologies, Properties and Applications», dedicated to the memory of Academician N.P. Sazhin (RedMet-2022).

The conference was aimed at discussing modern scientific and technological challenges in the field of processing rare metal mineral raw materials and obtaining critical materials and products based on rare metals for use in high-tech industries (electronic, nuclear, aerospace, chemical, etc.).

In total, more than 250 participants were registered for the Conference. In three days, 13 plenary, 110 oral and 7 poster presentations were heard. Among the speakers were representatives of 10 organizations of the Rosatom State Corporation, 36 research institutes and scientific and technical organizations subordinate to the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, 30 enterprises of the manufacturing sector. In addition, the conference was attended by 30 representatives of foreign scientific organizations from 9 countries – Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Japan, China, Venezuela, India and Belarus (19 organizations in total).

Both plenary and sectional reports were met with great interest and were accompanied by a lively discussion. For the first time, a competition was held for the best reports among young scientists, both oral and poster. The winners were 13 young scientists who were awarded diplomas and valuable prizes. The most important event during the Conference was the presentation of the N.P. Sazhin Medal established in 2022 «For contribution to the development of science and technology of rare and rare Earth metals». The medal was awarded to Matyasova Valentina Efimovna (JSC «VNIIHT» named after B.N. Laskorina), Mirsaidov Ulmas Mirsaidovich (NAS of Tajikistan), Melnikov Sergey Alexandrovich (JSC «VNIIHT» named after B.N. Laskorin), Nikolayev Anatoly Ivanovich (IHTRAMS named after I.V. Tananaev, KNC RAS), Parkhomenko Yuri Nikolaevich (JSC «Giredmet» named after N.P. Sazhin).

I Scientific and Practical Conference «Rare Metals and materials based on them: technologies, properties and applications» dedicated to the memory of Academician N.P. Sazhin (Sazhin Readings) (RedMet-2021)

REDMET-2021, December 9 — 10, 2021

The scientific and practical conference «RedMet-2021» resumes the cycle of regular scientific seminars «Sazhin readings», held on the basis of JSC «Giredmet» since 1970. The topics of the breakout sessions covered a wide range of scientific and technological areas: from the processing of mineral raw materials containing rare metals to the development of new materials based on rare elements, their compounds and alloys, high-purity substances, semiconductor, optical and luminescent materials, nanomaterials, materials of modern energy.

143 participants were registered for the last conference. Participation in the conference could be accepted as a speaker, a listener or in an extramural format, which meant only the submission of abstracts.

The conference was attended by 78 speakers and about 40 listeners, who were representatives of more than 40 organizations of various scientific and technological profile.

It is also worth noting the geography of the participants – representatives of 13 cities and regions of Russia (Apatity, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg, Chita, Seversk, Stavropol, Krasnoyarsk, Chernogolovka, Moscow, Podolsk, Korolev, Troitsk), as well as our colleagues from sunny Kazakhstan (Karaganda) took part in the Conference.

The composition of the conference participants is also quite diverse: 2 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, more than 20 doctors and 50 candidates of sciences, students / undergraduates / postgraduates in total 37 people, engineers, researchers and other workers who do not have an academic degree — 30 people, heads of various enterprises and organizations – 6 people.

The first day of the Conference was opened by a plenary session, the program of which included 7 reports. The beginning of the plenary session was marked by a report by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Borodin Vladimir Alekseevich (Deputy Director General for Development, Experimental Plant of Scientific Instrumentation with a special Design Bureau of the Russian Academy of Sciences, FSUE EZAN). The plenary session was also attended by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Bogatyreva Elena Vladimirovna (Professor of the Department of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold, National Research Technological University «MISIS»), heads of departments and laboratories of JSC «Giredmet», representing the main prospects and potential of scientific development of our Institute.

The Organizing Committee of the Conference has compiled and released a collection of conference Proceedings, the contents of which will be available in the near future on the official page of JSC Giredmet, in the tab «About the Institute», hereinafter «The Conference «Sazhin Readings».


Научно-практическая конференция «Редкие металлы и материалы на их основе: технологии, свойства и применение» («РедМет-2021») («Сажинские чтения»)

Уважаемые коллеги!

С 8 по 10 декабря 2021 года, на базе Акционерного общества «Государственный научно-исследовательский и проектный институт редкометаллической промышленности «Гиредмет» (АО «Гиредмет») будет проводиться Научно-практическая конференция «Редкие металлы и материалы на их основе: технологии, свойства и применение» («РедМет-2021») («Сажинские чтения»), посвященная памяти академика Николая Петровича Сажина.

Приглашаем принять очное, заочное или дистанционное участие в работе конференции научных сотрудников, преподавателей ВУЗов, докторантов, аспирантов и соискателей, специалистов в области получения редких металлов и материалов на их основе.

Работа конференции будет проводиться по следующим направлениям:

  • Технологии получения особо чистых материалов на основе редких металлов
  • Полупроводниковые материалы А2В6 и А3В5
  • Оптические материалы, материалы радиационной и ИК фотоники
  • Химическая аналитика, испытания и сертификация минерального сырья, редких металлов и материалов на их основе
  • Технологии переработки природного и техногенного минерального сырья на основе редких металлов
  • Материалы современной энергетики. Функциональные материалы
  • Технологии получения редких металлов, сплавов и порошков на их основе.

Мы будем рады рассмотреть Ваши оригинальные работы по тематике конференции.

Сборник тезисов конференции будет издан в печатном и электронном вариантах. Печатная версия сборника тезисов будет предоставлена очным участникам конференции. Заочные участники могут получить тезисы конференции почтой при оплате соответствующего сбора за пересылку (около 500 р. за отправку по территории РФ). О методах оплаты будет сообщено дополнительно.

Рабочие языки конференции: русский.

Формы участия в конференции: очная, заочная, дистанционная.

Типы сообщений на конференции: пленарные и секционные доклады.

Все участники конференции, выступившие с докладом, получат именные сертификаты участника конференции.

Фотоматериалы конференции здесь